The Job Market Has Changed : What It Means To Be “Skilled” Today

Abhinav Arora Blog, Careers

Back in the day, education was considered to be a unified, single branch of the tree of life.  People asked, “What is your education?” One was expected to have a good education. An education was something everyone was expected to have or pursue. Later came the off-shoots of education: the concepts of ‘traditional’ and the ‘alternative’ education took root and the ever-changing notion of ‘vocational’ education was born. Today, as we enter what is being called the Fourth Revolution (A world where industries are a fusion of technologies that is blurring …

Cyber Security TurnToTech HackerUSA

Cyber Security Is The Job of The Future: 4 Reasons Why

Abhinav Arora Blog, Cyber Security, IT Professional

“The demand for the cyber security workforce is expected to rise to 6 million globally by 2019” and “the growing (cyber security) market is expected to grow from $75 billion (from 2015) to $170 billion (by 2020)” There are a lot of reasons to pursue a career in a new field, but there are also challenges that should be considered to make the change run smoothly. One of the main hurdles people face is acquiring new skills for the particular job. Yet, with some preparation and planning, a person making …

6 Simple Ways To Successfully Switch Careers

Lisa Blog, Careers, Learn to build, networking, Success Story

Changing careers isn’t easy. After all, your job is not just a little thing; it is a major part of your life. Yet, as you grow older, something happens within you. One day you wake up and suddenly the job that you have been doing all these years is no longer interesting or even acceptable. Like a restless newbie, you start asking yourself existential questions: “Why am I doing all of this? What is my purpose here? Is this really all there is?” There can be many factors to this …