Listed below are some important app development trends for 2017:

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Every day, a new mobile app development trend is coming in the market and thus, listed below are some important app development trends:
Increase in Hybrid Technologies

Developers are looking forward to using several tools like Sencha Touch, AngularJS, Ionic, Cordova and PhoneGap for agile hybrid app development projects.

Citizen Developer’s Trend
The main benefits of this trend are the high development speed, less development cost as well as an efficient use of existing resources.

Attention on Security
With the rising of mobile app industry, the number of security threats has grown to a great extent.

Apps with GPS will Become Common
According to professional mobile app developers, they are receiving the request of several mobile development projects with the feature of location-tracking/navigation.

Rising Demand for Enterprise Apps
In the United States, more than 50% companies are expected to make use of 10+ mobile enterprise application in the coming year. In addition, when you have custom mobile apps for business, day-to-day management tasks become a lot easier.

Mobile Messaging Apps will Remain Very Popular
It is said that in 2017, many more messaging or chat apps will be launched at the stores.

Apps to Incorporate Mobile Payments
There is no exaggeration in saying that mobile transactions will make up approximately 50% of all web-based transactions.

Attention on Mobile App Designing
There is nothing wrong in saying that user-experience is the biggest parameter for measuring the success of a mobile application. In order to make apps visually appealing and user-friendly, companies are investing in illustrators, animators as well as graphic artists. In 2017, some new trends will definitely emerge in things like split-screens, grid-based interface designing, splash screens, visuals, micro interactions and parallax graphics.

Source Content by – @Ashfaq