Android Info Session event recap

Lisa Android, Blog, Meetup, New apps

TurnToTech had a very international crowd at the Android Info Session on Feb 1st that included countries across the globe (the U.S., Brazil, and Korea for example) that came together to learn more about our Android bootcamp. As diverse as it was, they all had one thing in common– the interest in app building.

TurnToTech often hosts Info Sessions as a way of providing a preview into what programs are offered and how TurnToTech is different from other schools. While many schools teach coding, TurnToTech offers a more hands-on, project-based curriculum that gives students the opportunity to learn the Android system thoroughly through our program. In addition to projects, on-campus internships are available so that students get even more experience working on real apps. The attendees at this Info Session showed a real interest in learning Android for both personal and professional reasons, based on the feedback they gave us. Also, from our take, they walked away with valuable information on how to get started.

If you are interested in checking out our school, why not attend our upcoming Diversity in Tech Job Fair on March 1st and get a feel for what we are about? You can even schedule a visit at a time that works for you. It would be a great opportunity to check out our school and mingle with the TurnToTech faculty, students and people in the industry.

We hope to see you at any of our events!